Terms of Service for spsFeed

Last Updated: January 7, 2024

These Terms of Service govern your use of the website located at https://spsfeed.com/ and any related services provided by spsFeed.

1. Payment and Refund Policy

  • A 30-day refund policy is in place for any purchase made. Users can request refunds by contacting [email protected] within 30 days of the transaction.

2. Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights of all materials on spsFeed belong to Edmilson Gomes.

3. Submissions to the Directory

  • User Submissions: Users are welcome to submit their entries to the spsFeed directory. Each submission must comply with our submission guidelines, which are show on post creation.
  • Right to Modify Submissions: The administrators of spsFeed reserve the right to modify any submission to ensure it aligns with our submission rules and maintains the integrity and quality of the directory. This may include, but is not limited to, editing, modifying, or removing any content that does not meet our standards or guidelines.
  • User Responsibility: By submitting an entry to spsFeed, users affirm that their submissions are accurate, do not infringe upon the rights of others, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Users are responsible for the content of their submissions and should ensure that they have all necessary rights and permissions for any content they provide.
  • No Guarantee of Inclusion: Submission to the spsFeed does not guarantee inclusion in the directory. All submissions are subject to review and approval by the administrators. The administrators have the discretion to reject any submission that does not meet our guidelines or standards.
  • Changes to Submissions: Users acknowledge that their submissions may be edited, altered, or removed by spsFeed administrators for any reason deemed necessary to comply with our submission guidelines, maintain the quality of the directory, or adhere to legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Notification of Changes: While spsFeed will endeavor to notify users of significant changes to their submissions, it is not always possible to provide individual notice. Users are encouraged to regularly review their submissions to ensure accuracy.
  • No Guarantee of Inclusion: Submission to the spsFeed does not guarantee inclusion in the directory. All submissions are subject to review and approval by the administrators. The administrators have the discretion to reject any submission that does not meet our guidelines or standards.
  • By submitting an entry to spsFeed, users agree to these terms and conditions. spsFeed reserves the right to update these terms at any time. Continued use of the directory after any such changes constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

3. Review and Approval of Submissions

  • Careful Review: Each submission to spsFeed undergoes a careful review process. Our team is committed to maintaining a high standard of quality in the directory, and as such, we assess each submission for its adherence to our guidelines and overall quality.
  • Approval Criteria: Submissions are evaluated based on [list any specific criteria or guidelines, such as relevance, accuracy, completeness, etc.]. We reserve the right to approve or reject any submission based on these criteria.
  • Feedback on Rejections: In the event that a submission does not meet our standards and is not approved, we will provide feedback to the submitter. This feedback is intended to guide the submitter on how to improve their submission for potential re-submission and approval.
  • Encouragement for Improvement: We encourage submitters to use this feedback constructively. Our goal is to assist submitters in understanding our standards and to encourage improvement, thereby increasing the chances of their submission being accepted upon re-submission.
  • No Obligation for Approval: While we provide feedback for improvements, it should be understood that this does not guarantee future approval. The decision to approve any submission remains at the sole discretion of the spsFeed administrators.
  • Resubmission Process: Users are welcome to resubmit their entries after making the recommended improvements. However, resubmitted entries will go through the same rigorous review process as initial submissions.

4. Liability and Limitations

spsFeed provides services on an 'as is' basis and disclaims all warranties to the extent permitted by law.

5. Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France.

6. Severance and Termination

  • Any void or unenforceable term will be severed, without affecting the remainder of the Terms.
  • spsFeed reserves the right to terminate these Terms of Service and user access for any breach.

7. Amendments

These Terms may be amended by spsFeed at any time, with changes taking immediate effect upon publication.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, please contact us at [email protected].

About Us/Our Mission To Help Bootstrapped Startups Achieve Success

Welcome to spsFeed, the official directory for discovering the latest and most promising early-stage bootstrapped startups. These startups are solving tomorrow's problems, whether they are still in the idea phase seeking validation, minimum viable products (MVPs) looking for their first users and customers, or startups that have achieved product-market fit, are generating revenue, and flourishing.

Find startups that address everyday challenges and offer solutions at prices that challenge the established norms, without compromising on quality.

Our mission is straightforward: to highlight developing startup companies, especially those with less than 10k in monthly recurring revenue. This allows even the smallest startups to grow, compete, and make an impact in the tech world.

Our directory is carefully curated and maintained by a human touch. Every startup submission is meticulously vetted, ensuring that spsFeed provides an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the dynamic and vibrant world of startups.

Frequently Asked Questions

SpsFeed is a human-curated and maintained directory of early-stage bootstrapped startups that are under 10k MRR, whether you're looking for an Ai startup, an inexpensive alternative to some overpriced startups offering or just to see the next big thing… We’re here

© 2024 spsFeed™ . All Rights Reserved.

Created by Edmilson